Fish acquisition in Denmark
- available for the whole world
First of all, Hawfisk ensures you that you get first quality fish. Next, we guarantee that you get the fish to the best, lowest price.
At Hawfisk we are a full-service company - that means that we offer to handle the process for you, right from the fish acquisition at the auction, icing of the fish and until the fish is loaded and ready to be transported to you.
We take your hand
-and handle all the practical for you!
We acquire fish and we are your agent at, among others, Hanstholm Fish Auction that is one of the largest fish auctions in Europe.
We guarantee that your fish constantly are cooled down until reception.
We assure you that your fish is packed and handled correctly and professional so that the fish is delivered in good condition.
We ensure that your fish are loaded gently and are ready to be transported to you in the right and agreed time. Furthermore, we are helpful finding a proper carrier.
We take care of all the necessary paperwork, right from the fish acquisition until the delivery has taken place.